Professional Musician Mentorship & Advice

'Phill has been listed as a notable musician and one of the best bass players in the UK by numerous publications, websites and music industry professionals'
As of 02/05/18 I am now offering a new type of tuition/service!
Professional Musician Mentorship & Advice has come from an idea I've had for a few months. I started planning to offer this service in late 2017 after having a conversation with a bass student.
Paul was (is) having bass lessons. During the lessons we found ourselves looking at what he could do to further his career as a professional bass player.
This brought memories back of my own mentorship with my mentors that I still have to tis day. We talked and came up with a solid plan to get Paul gigging regularly and forging is name as in-demand bass player.
The concept is an advice service with structured and unstructured meetings/sessions regarding the music industry, further education, planning & helpful advice forged from my own successful career as a professional bass player bandleader, composer & music educator.
I have been working out a schedule with Paul which follows a weekly 1 hour meeting with follow up advice, help & assistance via email/sms, calls & Skype.
Heres an example of a weeks worth of mentorship & advice with Paul -
Tuesday AM - Meeting with Paul regarding an upcoming audition where we go over the material he has to learn/ has been learning. We also chat about how I would present myself during the audition & making sure the musicians leave with a great feeling about myself and see me as a consummate professional.
Wednesday PM - Paul emails me about how the audition went (really well) we talk about the next steps of the audition process & how to learn repertoire quickly & extensively in a timely manner.
Thursday AM - I give Paul details about a dep gig I've seen advertised and suggest he applies.
Thursday AM - Paul wants to know how he can further himself in the local scene as a bass player, but wants to branch out into producing. I put him in touch with some open jam sessions in is area & chat about skills needed to be a producer. I tell him about a colleague o mine who is a producer & try & sort out a day/time e can shadow his work day. I also send over a great article about starting as an at- home producer.
Friday PM - Paul is gigging with a function band & keeps me updated on his progress with his local music scene. He's had new business cards printed and has been handing them out to all the musicians he knows.
Saturday PM - Paul brings his friend Chris to one of my shows. A singer thats needing some advice about a contract he's received or a private gig in a months time. We have a read through and see if there are any issues. Chris wants to know how he can get promo tracks recorded and a video. I pass his details on to a great videographer I've worked with.
Sunday - Paul is back home with is family and calls me on Skype to talk about the skills needed to become a valuable & well rounded session player. We discuss sight reading, recording studios, producers & more. We book a bass lesson next week to focuss on reading carts in different styles.
A contrasting example here is Dan
Dan is a singer, he's Been singing in clubs & male voice choirs for around five years. Dan wants to branch into teaching so he books a Professional Musician Mentorship & Advice session.
Monday - On Skype. We discuss starting a private tuition practice & the initial outlay and business information (paperwork, legal, qualifications & success stories)
Thursday - Dan wants to gain a music teaching teaching qualification. I recommend the RSL DipRSL in Music Teaching, the one I started with. We discuss the time element & all the hard work it takes to get the qualification, also how it puts you apart rom the rest by having a recognised music teaching qualification.
Friday - Dan starts setting up as self employed & gets together some sample promo material & some online accounts for advertising set up.
Saturday - While waiting or is RSL pack to arrive I let him sit in on one of my vocal lessons to see how it is planned firsthand & what a normal lesson entails for a singer & teacher alike.
Fundamentally what I'm offering is in this package is -
If you're a bass player, singer, drummer, rapper, flautist! etc & want to know some industry tips, how to further your career or just want to discuss how and why things work the way do in our industry.
I offer one to one advice sessions in person or via Skype, with additional support via email/sms, or calls. Maybe you want to get a portfolio together? A showreel?
Perhaps you're nervous about a big show and want to know what you can do to overcome that feeling or a lul in your career.
Sessions are bundled under the T&C's of my private tuition practice (here) but with more flexibility (maybe you're out touring or deep in a studio session recording an album!)
Prices are charged at £20 per hour (one session minimum per week) with FREE support in-between sessions.
I am also offering a 20% discount to Musicians Union members.
If you could use some advice &/or some help furthering, designing & moulding your career in music I'd be glad to help.
If you would like to book my services for the Professional Musician Mentorship & Advice sessions click here to visit my contact page or send me an email directly.