Becoming A Professional Musician, Is It Worth It? My Story Part 2

Boom! I was studying for my level 4 teaching diploma and my A levels all at the same time. It was a huge struggle and looking back I could have done a lot more work. The tuition and lectures from Clark and Phil were so great! So much information and I had realised there was a lot of work that really needed to be done.
I missed deadlines, my work was full of mistakes but I finally knuckled down and got on with it. I passed! That’s all I could ever want. I felt that I could take on and do anything. My private practice was building up and was very successful and I was in a great place.
I promptly started work studying for the level 6 teaching diploma with Clark. It was hard core! So much information and a lot of things I really should have known but didn’t. I passed again! This time losing my Mrs, a big health scare and my business slowly sinking. I turned it around though and now look at me!
Currently I’m teaching privately and it’s going great.
I’m playing bass and people are paying me to do it, I’m writing music and selling it and I love it! To be honest I’m doing a lot more but there's so many things I’m currently doing and it’s all music related and it’s what I pay the bills with
So is it worth it? Of course it bloody is! It will be a struggle and it will try it’s hardest to make you quit but it’s so worth it!
Have to go and practice my guitar for my lesson and bass for an audition Friday.