End of Year Teaching Update
Just a couple of words for students before Christmas
I’d like to say thank you to all of my students this year, past & present for the support and all the hard work they’ve undertaken this year. Including exams, auditions, concerts & more.
It’s been an excellent year teaching wise and I still maintain a 100% exam success rate. In the new year I will be welcoming more students & saying goodbye & farewell to some moving on to further education & careers in the music industry.
Thank you for all the cards, presents & the satisfaction of teaching great students.
Merry Christmas & a happy new year to you all.
Lessons will recommence on the week starting 06/01/20 with no price increase this year & now the availability to pay via credit/debit card & contactless.
As usual you can book & get information regarding lessons at phillcourtmusic.com or via The Practice Pad for limited lessons at their rehearsal rooms

email: info@phillcourtmusic.com