"Bassicly" Speaking September 2018 - January 2019

As I started writing this I was holed up from the rain in "Sunny" Weston-super Mare September 2018 while writing, recording & relaxing. Now It's January 2019 & I'm in my lovely new studio trying to update you about what I've been doing & my plans for 2019 😊
Dep Work
I've been concentrating on building my reputation as a dep again & have been gigging constantly with Higher Ground, Higher Ground Trio, The Steve Martin Band, The Special Brew & most recently The Manic-Phonics Experience. All the shows have gone really well & I have future dep gigs booked up with all the artists. I have always loved depping. One off shows, no commitment & all I have to do is perform 👌 Marvellous.
Tupelo Highway

It's been rather quiet of late (on the gig front) but we did host the new Jam Night at The Exchange in Llandaff North. This is the replacement to the Miss Jones' one which has ended. We will be out gigging again soon with more great material. We also may be starting a nice little 1940's Swing thing. Time to get the bull fiddle out!
2-Tone Tribute Tour

The end has come. After 2 years? The last show at the Alban Arena where it all started has come & gone. Mixed emotions but what an experience! I would like to thank Rob Coates - Head Sound Engineer, Chris Harding - Monitoring Engineer & everyone in both bands. The great venues we've played & the fans & people we have met on the road.
The Phill Court Trio/The Sessionistas
I've been toying with the idea of a Vulfpeck, Fearless Flyers, Pomplamouse, Scary Pockets type of thing & here we have The Sesionistas. Lineup is not final or arranged but we will be exploring modern social music in the form of "Memes" to start with, the series being called Meme Lords. This will encompass most members of the trio plus some guests.
Glen's Blues
Glen has been touring with Owen Money for the last few months, so a lack of time has caused us to be a bit behind schedule unfortunately. We performed at our New Years Day residency, with great reception! More rehearsals and some gigs are coming soon.
The Special Brew
I left the and August last year but will e rejoining to help set the new line-up from within.
I've definitely missed performing with the guys & look forward to returning & touring all over the UK.
Session Work
After completing the bass lines for the Eurovision entry I have been contracted to write & record bass for Rhys's solo album, commencing in January 2019. I'm really looking forward to playing some great grooves & some slap bass too.
I am also right in the middle of recording bass for singer/songwriter Elliot Pritchard. In conjunctions with Mu-Mu Audio. Stix from The Special Brew is playing drums on the track & his brother is Mu-Mu Audio 😁 Stix has got to be the best drummer in the world! I will be recording the tracks remotely from my home studio over the next day or two. Can't wait to finally work on a track together.
The market for sessions is currently dwindling (as expected) but I'm confident I can get more in with the suitable advertisement.
Private Tuition
My private practice is going from strength to strength! Plenty of happy & committed students of many disciplines have joined the ranks. Including a return of Nathan, the professional West End performer among other things.
New RSL Award syllabi for guitar, bass, vocals etc. I've yet to research these at this time, but it looks like I will be moving away from RSL & towards Trinity for future exams. With the exception of ABRSM for classical theory & classical vocals.
I have some availability left - Tuesday daytime & late evening either in person or via Skype/online video.
The Practice Pad
Also I'm now offering tuition at The Practice Pad - Aberbargoed (Glen's rehearsal studios & shop)for bass, vocals, music theory & GCSE, As & A-Level Music on Tuesdays & Saturdays.
Places are filling up & more information on these lessons can be found here
Not much composing has gone on I'm afraid! But I have been busy arranging tracks. Mainly Strangers by Sigrid. I'm doing a complete rework hopefully for placement soon & really want to get back into it.
Solo bass stuff has come along & I don't believe its exactly what I want to be focused on right now, but! I may amalgamate this into the trio/sessionistas.
Practice Schedule
I want to knuckle down and increase my proficiency on upright. It's been in for repair for many months now (after a fall) and get back up to scratch on it.
I also want to improve my bass synth playing too. I may start to take lessons on this instrument & fully infuse it into my composing.
My original practice routine is being revamped and will be implemented asap. I want to concentrate on more modern HipHop/RnB bass lines, theory & concepts which are gaining a lot of popularity as of late.
Also always I to strive and become an all round better player in general.
Musicians Union
I was successful in my recent campaign to the Regional Committee for Wales & SW Eng. I am looking forward to my input & what I can provide, help & treasure our members from the region.
I am also standing for the Executive Committee (again) I've heard it's going to be a head to head so we will have to wait & see what comes!
I have also put numerous questions towards the union about pay, fair play & undercutting. The answers will be included in an upcoming article.
I will be attending the regional meeting at the end of this month with a lot of motions to look through for the benefit of our members. Hopefully I will see as many members as possible.
If you are a member & would like me to put forward questions, issues or thoughts please contact me at the links at the bottom of this update.
Other Bits & Bobs
I was interviewed by Kyle from The University of Sheffield about professionalism in music & what I could offer in means of advice to new graduates. Hopefully I can get the transcript & publish it for you all to see & learn from.
Bass VI

I have recently acquired a Bass VI! After being obsessed with this instrument for a while I've got one! Looking at the history & uses in many different genres it's becoming my favourite instrument to play. I may write a lengthy article out the use of the Bass VI starting with the legend Glen Campbell.
Overwater Custom Bass

My custom bass is going into the paint shop very soon. I'm really really looking forward to this & can't wait to get it on the road. I will be going up to Overwater to pick it up, look around the workshop & have a personal set up for my new bass.
My studio has gone through a practical & design change! It took a while but here are the results. I'm ecstatic about how it turned it too. My ideal workspace.

New Artist Work
I will be rehearsing with a new artist very soon. Very hush hush at the moment but it's very interesting so far.
If it all comes to fruition I may be away for a few months at a time on tour.
Forrest Illustration/Photography
You can see her work here I have new social media main display pictures! Courtesy of Charlie Forrest, from the last 2-Tone Tribute Tour.
His new album is out now! Broke By Monday (which I played on ages ago) & new Merch available too!
Find it on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify & more. Merch can found on his Instagram @Razkid
These are some of the articles I am currently working on & will release periodically.
A Question For Private Music Tutors & Students
The Bass VI
What's The Deal With Undercutting People?
"Bassicly" Speaking October Update
Play Your Sounds Right
The Joy Of Teaching
If you'd like to contribute to any of these or have some suggestions for new topics or some old please contact me.
My main goals for 2019 so far are -
To compose more
Build my private teaching practice at The Practice Pad
Perform with as many diverse acts as possible
Make more performance videos
Write more articles for placement
Guest lecture at some of the UK's best music schools
Record my trio and perform more live
Plus more that I'm still currently working though
That'll do it for this update. If you have any questions, enquires or anything, visit me at the links below. Also, please take a look at my upcoming appearances post to see where I will be next.

email: info@phillcourtmusic.com